Based on the datasets recorded from LMD process, this project provides the basic sctructure to develop a convolutional neural network software for process parametrization and defects detection.
Example of power prediction comparing with width measure in a wall construction.
The high bandwidth of the multimodal monitoring approach demands effective mechanisms to record and manage such a big data. Thus data are recorded in bag files (parameters in yaml files), and they are processed after that to provide a better way for analysis.

Bag files are a good way to reproduce the system performance enabling the development of new modules and features as if it was the real facility. However, it is not a good solution to search and analyse data.

To provide a better way for data analytics, bag files are parsed and stored in HDF5 files as Pandas dataframes. A dataframe is created for each rostopic namespace (e.g. /tachyon, /camera, /robot) using the message timestamp to correlate data.

Getting Started
You only must install ROS and clone OpenLMD projects on your computer, and download any bag file available on ZENODO to test the software.
$ roscd cyplam_data/src/data/ $ python -f filename.bag
This web is still under construction, we will add the complete information as possible
Adrián Pallas-Fernández (
Verónica Panadeiro-Castro (
Baltasar Lodeiro-Señarís (
Jorge Rodríguez-Araújo (
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